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Quick and easy guide to make grocery shopping, storing and preserving fun

shopping basket with groceries

Did you already do your weekly grocery shopping? At the moment, some people might buy more than they need. But this is not necessary! A detailed list for your weekly grocery shopping is key in order to be well-prepared for your cooking plans. Even if you cannot go food shopping with the whole family – you can develop a meal plan for the week together. With a well thought out plan you only buy what you really need and show solidarity towards your community. Goa step further and ask your neighbors if anyone needs help with their food shopping or othererrands. Besides, it is important to know how to store your food and beverages. Remember that notonly detailed meal prep but also correct storage can avoid food waste. Now is the perfect moment to establish a new hobby and improve your preserving skills – let’s go and trysomething new! Here is your handy guide for successful shopping, storing and preserving, that will help you in the future:

1.Grocery Shopping

  • First: check your inventory! Have a look in your pantry, fridge and freezer – is there something that should be prepared in the next days? These are the things, you do not need on your list.
  • Second: bring all family members to the table and ask them about their favoritedishes. Include the ideas and wishes in a detailed meal plan and combine them with recipes from cook books or cooking websites. Plan quick dishes for the week and more elaborate dishes for the weekend.
  • Third: check which fruit and vegetables are seasonal and try to integrate them in your meal plan.
  • Fourth: in addition to the main dishes, consider snacks and beverages as well. What about a healthy snack alternative to potato chips? For example, you can prepare baked chickpeas: you only need a tin of chickpeas, cooking oil and spicesof your choice. Mix the ingredients and bake them in the oven for 25 minutes (180 Celsius degree / 356 Fahrenheit degree).For an extraordinary drink, you could infuse your water with fresh lemon and cucumber slices. That sounds easy and delicious, right?
  • Fifth: When writing your shopping list, imagine the local arrangement of the categories in your supermarket and list the items in this way. This saves you precious time and avoids that you forget something. You can also use digital solutions such as notes or apps, which makes it a little more convenient as some of them give you additional advise or tipps and tricks.

Uff – the first part is done! Did you get everything you wanted? Now switch to the second part which is storing. But what ́s the smartest way to store the different food items? Take alook at our next tips:


  • There is some misinformation about storing food, above all fruit and vegetables. An example are fresh tomatoes: they don’t belong in the fridge because they will lose their aroma. The best way is to store them at room temperature in an airy and shady place.
  • Consider the right storing in your fridge and – very important – clean your fridgeregularly! Long-lasting food, like prepared food, leftovers or cheese can be stored in the top compartment. The middle compartment is a good place for dairy products. Easily perishable food like meat or fresh fish belong in the bottomcompartment. You can store fruit and vegetables in the vegetable compartment. Please check before which fruits and vegetables belong in the fridge (see above). Put drinks, butter, eggs and sauces in the door of your fridge.
  • Dry products like pasta, rice and couscous, canned food and long-lasting productsbelong in your pantry, which is ideally lockable and dark.
  • You can preserve fresh herbs by blending them and freezing them in a container.
  • Another good and sustainable way of stocking food is vacuum storage. Never heard of it? Vacuum is a super easy storage solution to keep left overs fresh for alonger time. It is especially suitable for fruits, vegetables and pre-cooked food. With the Bosch vacuum system, you not only have a vacuum appliance but also a fully equipped blender or mixer offering various options to prepare food and then vacuum store it in a convenient process.

Have you ever dealt with the latest trend of preserving food? Who knows, maybe this will be your new hobby!? The finished jars with pickled vegetables or jam are also a nice personal gift for your family and friends. You can spread the idea of preserving in your social community as well and perhaps start a new Social Media trend.

grocery bag with vegetables


  • Pickling vegetables is not as complicated as it sounds. You need a few preservingjars, fresh vegetables, vinegar, salt, sugar, water and if you like some spices or herbs. Mix 250 ml of vinegar with 500 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of sea salt, 2 teaspoons of sugar, spices and herbs and boil the mixture. After boiling, fill it injars and let it steep for 4-6 weeks.
  • Keep a seasonal taste by making a jam of your favorite fruit which is super easy: seasonal fruit, preserving sugar and jars is all you need. Mix fruit and sugar, boil and bottle it. There are no limits for possible fruit combinations.

As you can see, grocery shopping, storing and preserving can be really easy and fun! Just start with your meal plan and try out the tips! It won't be long and you've developed a new routine.

Final tip: it could be helpful to print this guide and pin it on your family pin board! So, everybody sees it and can use it.